It’s #GivingTuesdayNow — and we ask that you support Conscious Kitchen. There is great need in all of our communities right now, and we do our part every day for children, seniors, homeless, families, and the most vulnerable among us. This work is only possible because of our chefs and you.
Meet Chef Guillaume and Chef Dolores, two forces of nature who lead Conscious Kitchen teams to scratch-cook, serve and deliver tens of thousands of fresh, local, organic, nutritious meals. GIVE TODAY, so we can get more organic ingredients into their hands to turn into hearty, healthy meals to meet rising community need in Marin City and beyond. Help us help them help others.
“I usually say I do this for the kids, but the kids aren’t here right now. I love cooking for Conscious Kitchen because I get to give back to the community. It lets me positively impact the most people and effect the most change. I love cooking organic food. That’s one of the best things. The product is unlike any restaurant I’ve ever worked in because it is 100% organic. That’s a pretty cool system to be a part of.”
— Chef Guillaume, Executive Chef, Conscious Kitchen
“Conscious Kitchen means being of service and helping people who can’t get meals. I love it. I always feel like fresh, local, organic all matter for people, so they can get the nourishment that they need.”
– Chef Dolores, Conscious Kitchen
$5: Give one CK meal
$100: Provide meals for 5 families
$500: Feed 100 seniors lunch
$1,000: Cover 200 community meals
$5,000: Fund a day of CK operations
$25,000: Support a week of CK meals
$100,000: Power a month of Conscious Kitchen
Make a donation NOW
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Ask your company to match
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We need YOU to make this happen — and hope you’ll include Conscious Kitchen, our chefs and community in your #GivingTuesdayNow plans.
Today, Tuesday, May 5th, is #GivingTuesdayNow! You may already be familiar with the annual event that takes place after Black Friday. Now, during these unprecedented times of COVID-19, the GivingTuesday foundation is reaching out to help support local organizations, small businesses, healthcare workers, and more! So how can you help? Check out for local ideas — and support organizations like Conscious Kitchen and our larger work with Turning Green.

Why support Turning Green?
Why support Turning Green? Because during unprecedented times, we continue to inspire, educate and mobilize students and communities on issues that matter, that are relevant, that activate people, that offer hope, that make a meaningful difference. Our teams don’t stop — and on #GivingTuesdayNow, we ask you to GIVE so we can do more.
Because our internship program offers valuable, diverse, hands-on experience with developing and implementing programs and projects on climate action, public health and environmental justice. Give $100 to go towards stipends for 20 hardworking students who will join our nationwide virtual program when the summer cohort launches next month.
Because Conscious Kitchen provides critical nutrition to students, and now also to families and the most vulnerable among us. Fund hot, organic, nutritious meals for one family with a $20 donation. Food is scratch-cooked by chefs we proudly employ with ingredients purchased from a local, ecological supply chain and delivered safely by community staff.
Because Project Green Challenge engages thousands of high school and college students in 30 transformative days of eco challenges that change behavior, confidence and consumption patterns, while positively impacting lifestyles, friends, families, entire communities. Donate $50 to equip participants with tools to lead change on and offline.